Ty is LRN's Chief Advisory Officer, Head of Advisory Services and part of the LRN Executive Leadership Team, where he leads the company’s worldwide Ethics & Compliance (E&C) advisory consultancy business and corporate governance, and Corporate Board member community outreach strategy.
Ty leads a cross functional team of former compliance officers, regulators, attorneys, behavioral analysts and project managers, who provide strategic E&C program evaluations, conduct ethics and culture assessments, help companies reinvent and rewrite Codes of Conduct, and simplify policies. He strives to identify and implement high-impact best practices that drive program excellence and meet regulators’ expectations; Implement business-friendly processes and policies that make it easy for employees to understand their obligations and comply with them; analyze the health of an organization’s ethical culture by measuring levels of trust, respect, organizational justice and other critical indicators.
Ty has curated solutions for corporate boards, with bespoke, facilitated sessions exploring the evolving landscape of ethics and compliance, culture, artificial intelligence, Cyber Security and ESG, leveraging experiential case studies to catalyze discussions around effective oversight and building tone at the top.
Ty manages the P&L, revenue and sales operations of the division, expanding the revenue and sales 500% since joining in 2020. Ty regularly speaks on panels and to companies around the world and is regularly featured in global media.
LRN is the world's largest dedicated ethics and compliance company, educating and helping more than 30 million people each year worldwide navigate complex legal and regulatory environments and foster ethical cultures. LRN is one of the 2024 Inc. 5000 Fastest-Growing Companies.
In 2022, LRN acquired ‘Compliance Learning’ from Thomson Reuters, creating the largest global ‘pure-play’ provider of E&C learning solutions.
Ty was Vice President of the New York Stock Exchange’s Governance Services division, after the acquisition of Corpedia Compliance Training and Corporate Board Member, where he was a thought leader, spokesperson and chief revenue driver for all commercial operations of NYSE Governance Services, Board Solutions and responsible for leading the overall strategic goals and p/l of Corporate Board Member. Worked with listed companies to help evaluate their corporate compliance programs in line with U. S. Department of Justice Criminal Division guidance and provided strategic counsel to assist companies in building effective world-class ethics and compliance programs.
Instrumental in creating new corporate director education and board evaluations. Advised pre-IPO companies on best practices in governance and ethical standards, via pre-IPO compliance programs, content and research initiatives. Through his leadership, network and development of key business relationships, Ty grew the market leadership position for the company in the governance, compliance, and board education market. Ty successfully conceived and launched the ‘NYSE Governance, Risk and Compliance Leadership Awards’ in 2014, recognizing outstanding companies and individuals in the areas of governance, risk, and compliance. He was also a regular speaker for NYSE Governance Services summits, peer exchanges and director forums.
NYSE Governance Services was an integrated suite of resources within the New York Stock Exchange, for public and privately held companies worldwide seeking to create a leadership advantage through corporate governance, ethics and compliance practices via peer-to-peer events for company directors and C-level executives).
Ty was a member of Ethisphere's leadership team and Executive Vice President of global programs with responsibility for the operations, content, long-term strategy, business development, and p/l across Ethisphere's full suite of global compliance programs, research, and publishing business dedicated to the Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer, General Counsel, Chief Legal Officer and Audit Committee.
In 2017, Ty launched Ethisphere's Gender Diversity Initiative at the NASDAQ (ringing the opening bell) to highlight thought leadership, key metrics & data, and global trends in gender diversity, to inspire companies to take action and expand their diversity governance programs.
Also launched Ethisphere’s London, Paris, Middle East, and Tokyo governance, ethics & compliance forums and summits emphasizing global governance perspectives. Ethisphere helps organizations in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices and produces the World’s Most Ethical Companies honoree list.
Appointed as a Business Advocate for Wales in 2014, he was tasked to further Foreign Direct Investment, Welsh culture, and heritage by Lord Carwyn Jones AM, First Minister of Wales. Helping support the Welsh office representatives in North America to promote Wales as a premium place to invest.
Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, appointed Ty as a Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE), in the 2017 Birthday Honours List. This honour was in recognition of services to promoting business in Wales.
Wales has its own devolved government and a vision for growth and sustainable living. Economically competitive and with strong links to the rest of the UK. The economic infrastructure of Wales is sound and the workforce iswell-qualifiedd and skilled in a variety of areas, from traditional manufacturing to life sciences. The level of support available to businesses in Wales is significant and the costs are highly competitive.
Honorary Doctorate of Business
Awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Business by Solent University in England for outstanding contributions in the field of corporate governance, diversity and international trade.
During my time at Southampton Solent I was elected to a Paid sabbatical role as President and Chief Executive of the Students Union. Re-elected, serving for two terms seeking to improve the student experience for over 12,000 full and part-time students. Other roles included Non-Executive Board member, Southampton Institute Academic Board, Non-Executive Board member, Southampton Institute Quality Standards Committee, Board Member, Southampton Institute Board of Governors.
Artificial Intelligence and Business Strategy
Gaining a deeper understanding of how to gain strategic advantage through the use of different kinds of artificial intelligence.
Evaluating the appropriateness of a business application for machine learning and natural language processing. Best use cases of business applications for robotics in manufacturing, and the future of Artificial Intelligence and the impact of AI on the future of work and society, including a better understanding of legal, ethical and regulatory issues surrounding AI.
Insights into how businesses can use AI productively, effectively and the ability to critically reflect on the future of AI, and how the technology will affect business and society.
Scaling a Business: How to Build a $1 Billion+ Unicorn
Wharton’s Scaling a Business: How to Build a Unicorn program explores the concept of unicorns, from what they look like and how they prepare for growth to how they deal with failure and crisis along the way.
The program enabled me to: Identify the characteristics of unicorn organizations. Analyze organizational resources and constraints to scale technology. Examine the processes and structure of a growing organization. Examine effective frameworks and metrics of an organization’s readiness to scale. Evaluate the personnel and cultural needs within an organization.
Stanford Directors College
Stanford Law School and the Rock Center for Corporate Governance’s Directors’ College, is the nation’s premier executive education program for directors and senior executives of publicly traded firms.
The program brings together leading CEOs, directors, regulators, jurists, and scholars for a rigorous and balanced examination of a broad range of problems that confront modern boards, including the board’s role in setting business strategy, CEO succession, techniques for controlling legal liability, challenges posed by activist investors, boardroom dynamics, and contemporary issues including the state of the macroeconomy, emerging cybersecurity threats, privacy, and disruption.
Oxford Executive Leadership Program.
Understanding the relationship between effective leadership and performance in organisations. Exploring the significance of power and influence within leadership. Interpreting the functions and dynamics of high-performance leadership. Developing strategies to manage complexities inherent in leadership and alignment of purpose. Defining the role of leaders in driving change.
Saïd is a world-class business school, fully integrated into Oxford University, the world's top university. Ranked Top business school in the ‘Times Higher Education Awards’ 2017 and ranked 5th internationally for one-year programmes in Forbes 2019
The Certified Compliance & Ethics Professional (CCEP)®
The CCEP is an industry recognized certification for compliance professionals with knowledge of relevant regulations and expertise in compliance processes sufficient to assist organizations with their legal obligations, promoting organizational integrity through the operation of effective compliance programs. Being certified in this dynamic, growing profession demonstrates expertise in helping mitigate compliance-related risks.
Disciplines include, Anti-Money Laundering, Audits & Monitoring, Bank Fraud, Code of Conduct, Conflicts of Interest, EU Privacy and Data Protection, Gifts and Entertainment, Global Anti-Bribery Laws/Anti-Corruption, Global Fair Competition/Antitrust, Harassment and Discrimination/EEOC, Insider Trading, Privacy/Data Privacy, Retaliation, Supply Chain and Third Party Risks
Leadership Strategies in a Time of Transition
The program provides a mixture of overviews of the current and future state of the industry and in-depth explorations of specific topics in editorial content, design, marketing, circulation, advertising, finance, and management.
The carefully-selected industry experts and distinguished faculty from the Yale School of Management present real-world business models and case studies from both large and small publishers.
International Relations, Business and the Political Economy
Exploring the influences that shape foreign policy and international relations. Examining the effects of globalization, economic drivers and developing economies, and analyzing and evaluating doing business in a particular country.
The course assesses the impact on business and industry by global market shifts. Corporate responses to a changing global environment and evaluating key strategic factors when determining whether to expand internationally and the efficacy of various strategies to operate in new markets.
Leverage Diversity and Inclusion for Organizational Excellence
The course explores the barriers and potential solutions to creating and maintaining a diverse workforce. Improve group and team performance by expanding the talent pool and leveraging different perspectives and skillsets.
Foster a culture of inclusion where employees feel respected and their perspectives and contributions valued. Examine potential barriers to both diversity and inclusion and design solutions to overcome those obstacles. Distinguish cultural myths from credible research in order to design and implement solutions that create diversity in the workplace and increase organizational performance.
“At a time when key stakeholder groups – customers, employees, investors, legislators, etc. – are increasingly making decisions based on corporate governance and ethics criteria, Ty Francis has emerged as a visionary thought leader who transcends industries,” - Paul J. Gennaro, Senior Vice President and Chief Communications Officer for Voya Financial.
“Today's competitive global marketplace makes achieving the right kind of company culture a mission critical effort. Proper governance practices and board involvement and oversight in ethics and compliance are central to that process. Ty is both a cutting edge expert thinker in this space and an accomplished innovator when it comes to bringing together board members and helping them share and develop strategies for enhancing their company's behavior and performance.” - F. Daniel Siciliano, Professor & Faculty Director, Arthur & Toni Rembe Rock Center for Corporate Governance, and Associate Dean for Executive Education and Special Programs, Stanford Law School.
"As companies look to make a difference around the global ecosystem, Ty’s passion and unique ability to bring together multidisciplinary leaders across the globe in productive forums will be an asset for companies, thought leaders, and experts.” - Tim Erblich, Chief Executive Officer for Ethisphere.